sri rahayu, aris sugiarto




Bleeding is a cause of maternal mortality in Indonesia. Several
efforts have been done to decrease maternal mortality, one of them is
maternity counseling program (continuty of care/CoC model) in Central
Java province. Post partum bleeding can be prevented by giving
oxytocin, in a form of oral intranasal, intramuscular and with
oxytocin massage to stimulate oxytocin hormone. Oxytocin hormone may
elicit uterine contraction and help to increase breast milk
production. The purpose of the research is to ascertain the
effectiveness of oxytocin massage towards uteri involution and breast
milk production of post partum mother. This research uses quasi
experiment method with 43 mothers given the treatment and 43 post
partum mothers as control.
Some of breast milk production respondents who were given massage
treatment show enhancement proven by weight gain from birth weight.
While uteri involution shows respondents in control group experiencing
abnormal involution (37,2 %) and the rests experiencing normal
involution, whilst intervention group shows normal involution process
(62,8%) and the rests experiencing abnormal involution process which
proven by the decline of Fundus height as well as the theory.
It is found that post partum mothers who were given intervention,
experiencing normal uteri involution and increasing breast milk
production so they can breastfeed exclusively.

Key words: Oxytocin massage, uteri involution, breast milk production,
post partum mother

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26751/ijb.v2i1.431


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