Setiawati Setiawati, Fina Anggraini, Fepi Sundari



Wanita lansia umumnya mengalami beberapa masalah kesehatan seperti kolesterol yang tinggi. Kadar Kolerterol yang tinggi berdampak negative pada system kardiovaskular sehingga perlu ditangani. Salah satu Upayannya Adala Menggunakan Rebusan Daun Sirsak. Penelitian Ini Bertujuan Untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Pemberian Air Daun Sirsak terhadap Penurunan kadar kolesterol pada wanita lansia di Desa Tanjung Jati Kabupaten Muara Enim.

Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy experiment dengan pendekatan pre-post test control design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah wanita lansia yang mengalami hiperkolesterol ( > 200mg/L) yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Jumlah sampel adalah 30 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Tanjung Jati Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muara Enim pada 4 April - 24 November 2023. Pemeriksaan kolesterol menggunakan rapid test. Analisis menggunakan uji T independent Test.

Hasil penelitian didapatkan penurunan kolesterol pada pada kelompok intervensi lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok control  (-18,03±19,590;-2,60±2,527). Hasil uji statistic menunjukkan bahwa kelompok intervensi mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol lebih baik dibanding kelompok control (p value 0,001). Hal ini berarti pemberian air daun sirsak efektif dalam menurunkan kolesterol pada wanita lansia di Desa Tanjung Jati Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muara Enim

Kata Kunci: Daun sirsak, kolesterol, lansia



Elderly women generally experience several health problems such as high cholesterol. High cholesterol levels have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system so they need to be treated. One of the efforts is to use decoction of soursop leaves. This research aims to determine the effect of giving soursop leaf water on reducing cholesterol levels in elderly women in Tanjung Jati Village, Muara Enim Regency.

This research uses a quasi-experiment design with a pre-post test control design approach. The subjects of this study were elderly women who had hypercholesterolemia (> 200mg/L) who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The number of samples was 30 respondents. Sampling uses quota sampling. This research was carried out at PMB Semiyati and PMB Yuyun in the Muara Enim Community Health Center Work Area on April 4 - November 24 2023. Cholesterol examination used a rapid test. Analysis uses the independent T test.

The results of the study showed that the reduction in cholesterol in the intervention group was higher than in the control group (-18.03 ± 19.590; -2.60 ± 2.527). The statistical test results showed that the intervention group was able to reduce cholesterol levels better than the control group (p value 0.001). This means that giving soursop leaf water is effective in lowering cholesterol in elderly women in Tanjung Jati Village, Muara Enim Health Center Working Area.

Keywords: Soursop leaves, cholesterol, elderly



Soursop leaves, cholesterol, elderly

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Daftar Pustaka


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